The Internet has become a phenomenon in the life of modern society. Internet has penetrated the various aspects of community life from personal life, education, journalism, business, until the government. Internet Presence in the midst of modern society is certainly an impact, both positive and negative.
The negative impact of the Internet is generally caused by the misuse of the Internet. One of the negative impacts the Internet is the next generation of moral degradation. Internet offers convenience way to its user to obtain various information from around the world. Various information obtained varied users, from which is a personal story, science, to pornographic and violent content.
If the recipient of the information has not been able to sort through all the information he had received very well, receiving this information will swallow all the information obtained. For example grade 3 elementary school students who have not been able to sort all the information he had received used to open the site pornography and violence. Grade 3 elementary school students will be considered pornography and violence as a common and natural in society. This can continue on the actions these students to apply and violent pornography he obtained from the Internet. Along with its growth into an adult human, grade 3 elementary school students will have the moral degradation because of information that is not according to age.
Internet Easily accessible also causes more widespread copyright infringement. It’s no secret that today we could download a variety of software, music, movies, pictures, and the content of a web site at no cost. The result of these downloads even be used to seek profits for some groups.
Copyright infringement is not only done by those who produce pirated DVDs in various malls. Violation of copyright is also often done by the educated. The concrete example that we often do as a high school student is doing copy-paste the content of a website and make it as belonging to us without including the source.
Frankly, I had never done this. Most of those who do copy-paste thinking, “Why cape-cape typing if there are results be? After all, it’s not going to get caught. “For example, we have the task of making reviewer Indonesian language teaching. Instead of wasting time taken the trouble to read the book and stringing of words, time and effort we will be more efficient by doing copy-paste. The source was not included to cover such fraud.
The Internet makes addiction. This is a reality and has been experienced by some people. I myself was one of the many people who are addicted to playing online. Some even had to undergo therapy because of addiction to online gaming. Addiction to play the internet that could be channeled not negatively affect such actions robbery and even murder.
Beyond the negative impact of the Internet, there is also a positive impact given by the internet. Be literate Internet users will make the outside world. Through the Internet, a lot of useful information we can get it for free and sometimes this information is not necessarily that we can find in various books. The existence of technology, search engines like Google and Yahoo also contributed to the receipt of information from the Internet. We do not bother flipping through a book with a sheet of this search engine technology.
But keep in mind that not all information on the internet is true. Why not all information on the internet do is true? It is because on the internet the information is not selected in advance. This is different from print media in which information should be cross checked before publication. Even elementary school children can create an online journal in the form of blogs.
The Internet also can develop one’s talents. For example, there are several sites such as deviantART is inviting people to join in the community and showcase their work. Those who are interested in the arts will be encouraged to develop their talents because they have a container to accommodate their work so that you can enjoy internet users in all corners of the world.
The existence of social networking sites and internet messenger also allows users to widen the circle of friendship internet. Through social networking sites, we can get acquainted with new friends via the Internet messenger and we can better familiarize themselves with each other either with friends old and new friends.
In general, the Internet provides a positive impact on modern society because it offers the ease and speed of access to various information, so that it is efficient both in cost and time. When the internet used in the best possible way we can get a variety of positive benefits such as exceptional knowledge much, new friends, and as a forum for the development of our talents. To minimize the negative impact of the Internet, can be done by careful and do not swallow it raw but all the information obtained is digested after a good thought before. In the surf, it is needed also common sense and ethics. It is expected therefore, we can minimize the negative impact of the internet and maximize its positive impact.